The Indian head dress has changed over time in its shape, dimension and name.  Even though some minor changes have made, the core cultural meaning has stayed the same.  The decorative Indian head dress is dated back to the Vedic era.

This type of headdress is called the pugree.  It is more than just a headgear, it is a simple and highly functional object that protects the person from the scorching heat or extreme cold weather. The headdress also protects against dust storms and snow storms.  Indian headdresses are more than just a symbol of customary identification of a region or clan.  It is a symbol of pride, prestige and honor.

The Indian Guru Govind Singh instituted a new meaning and power to the turban when he began to glorify its wearers.  It became a symbol of lost family members and martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their motherland.  The Indian head dress became an important role in spiritual rituals.

In Indian weddings, it is customary to see the groom or bride wear some sort of Indian head dress.  To encourage socio-cultural bonds the trade of pugrees is very common.  Another reason why the head dress is so important is because at the time of birth or death where the eldest son takes over reign, the headdress is past down.

In the Rajasthan, Indian head dresses such as the pugree come in various shapes and symbolize the individual social status.  Middle class people wear cotton pugrees known as chira or phenta.  You will find that the colors of an Indian head dress changes according to season and loaded with symbolic meaning.  The symbol of the pugree’s multi-dimensional socio philosophy came from its political symbolism during India’s freedom struggle showing of pride.  Later it became a symbol of protest against the British because of the reaction to the Western cultural attack on the Indians.  Whether you are looking for family history, or researching Indian culture, you will surely be astonished at all of their accomplishments.

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