Spear Fishing
Imagine laying on your stomach in the dead of winter, on an ice-covered body of water to look for food. Native Americans did this often, spear fishing in the winter…
Imagine laying on your stomach in the dead of winter, on an ice-covered body of water to look for food. Native Americans did this often, spear fishing in the winter…
Imagine being in the dreaded scenario of being stranded on an island. No one is around, but you suddenly notice a ship in the distance. Or at least you hope…
When we think of tribal dancing, rain dancing comes to mind first. After all, television has depicted this ceremonial dance for decades. We see a chief in a large headdress…
The term Powwow has been loosely used in western movies. In the movies the cowboys or soldiers would meet with the Indians and have a Powwow or meeting. This comparison…
Planting Zones are based on location and climate. Within North America alone there are eleven planting zones. The zones are graded on a scale based on temperature. For example Hawaii…
The Palomino horse is one of the most beautiful and well-recognized horse breeds in the world. Have ever watched a western movie and saw a golden colored horse? That was…
If you are fascinated by the concept of time, make sure to know about the Maya Calendar. This calendar system belonged to the Maya Indians, an ancient civilization that inhabited…
The Iroquois longhouse was named this way because the actual building was longer then it was wide. Usually there was a door at each end of the longhouse to enter…
The United States and frankly the rest of the world could learn some very good lessons about the way to treat women from the Native Americans. There is a higher…
Native America Indian Tattoos have become very popular recently. They are very popular with college students and professional athletes. When a person says I have a tribal tattoo they are…