Plains Indians
The Plains Indians were a large group of Native Americans that occupied much of North America. There were several tribes that were part of the Plains Indians including the Sioux,…
The Plains Indians were a large group of Native Americans that occupied much of North America. There were several tribes that were part of the Plains Indians including the Sioux,…
The Native American tribes historically settled on the banks of rivers – Loup, Platte and Republican, presently in Nebraska were called Pawnee Indians. The Pawnees (also known as Paneassa, Pari,…
Paleo-Indians were the earliest inhabitants of the American Southwest and Mexico. There are very minimal records of these Paleo Indians, and many historians rely on quite speculative theories about how…
Noted for their relative wealth, the Northwest Coast Indians inhabited the area extending from Alaska to California. Many Northwest Coast Indians were from other places and settled in this area…
The Nez Pierce Indians inhabited the Southwest United States and today was the largest ethnic group in the Columbian Plateau. The Nez Pierce Indians are related to the Cayuse, Tenina,…
Navajo Indians, known to each other as Dine, lived in the Southwest, and today, they are settled in the largest Indian reservation in the United States, comprising 27,000 miles. This…
Most people are familiar with the famous Mohawk hairstyle, but few realize that the Mohawk Indians shaved their heads and left a middle portion of hair remaining during wartime to…
The Mayan Indians were an extraordinarily inventive people who developed sophisticated architecture without the convenience of stone tools for building. While the majority of Europe’s population was illiterate during the…
The early North American people hailing from southern Mexico and northern Central America are collectively known as Maya Indians. According to most archeologists, socialists and historians the Maya people were…
The Maya Indians dwelled in Mexico and Guatemala and developed very sophisticated cities and political systems. While many Europeans in the Dark Ages were illiterate, the Maya Indians developed a…