The Indian Flag is a flag like no other. It is three different colors proportioned equally. The colors are white, green, and orange. In the center of the flag is a Dharma Chakra, the wheel of law in the Sarnath Lion Capital. This Buddhist symbol, witch originated in 200th century BC. The 24 spokes on this picture represents the life in movement and death in the stagnation.

This symbol represents everything from courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation. The white in the flag represent purity and the green, faith and fertility. India’s constituent assembly adopted the design of the National Flag of India in July 22, 1947 and is regulated by a code. The roots of this flag run deep in India’s history and culture. It symbolizes something we all fight for, freedom.

It was called a flag not of only freedom for us, states Prime Minister Pandit Nehru, but it represents freedom for all humanity. The 2002 Amendment to the Flag code in India was the 53rd Republic Day on January 26, 2002, and was a very important day for Indians. Fifty-four years after the Indian flag was adopted as a national symbol, the citizens where allowed to hoist the Indian flag thanks to a petition filed by Navin Jindal, from Madhya, Pradesh, from India. The Indian flag is hoisted over Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world. This was hoisted on May 29, 1953.

Also mounted there are the Union Jack and the Nepalese national flag. Bhikhaji Rustom Cama was the first Indian to raise the flag on foreign soil letting the world know that India was after there independence from the British. The Indian Flag is a very deep part of Indian culture and represents a people that where able to rise to independence on there own.

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